Do I really want to know? (July23)

How do you do? OK? Alright? How are you doing?
People don’t tend to say, “Hello” or “Good morning” or “Nice to see you” anymore.
Questions often asked without stopping. Answer unwanted. No desire for dialogue. Don’t want to know. Stick with “Hello.”
A TED talk suggested a score out of ten was a good reply to such greetings. Short and honest. Keeps door open for the sincere.
I tried percentages. 7/10 seems too sad. 70% a good pass. Numerical equivalent to the expected, “OK.”
Out of hospital, repeated questions refreshed concerns. I needed to focus on something beyond self and health. I did feel the need to say more and be understood by those close and caring.
Greetings are important. Relationally connecting. Relationally disconnecting.
I’ve seen two TED talks from those who’ve been deeply depressed and suicidal. Both commented on introductory questions. “Im Fine” Learning to live with depression.“
Do we care when we ask? Care is more costly than pretence.
Apostle Paul used greetings and farewells purposefully and deliberately in all his letters.
An introduction to self. Context before detail. For example, “Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead –” (Galatians 1:1 NIVUK)
Warm spiritual sharing quickly followed. The words, “Grace and peace” are included in the first three verses of different letters. Then came teaching tailored to the recipient.
Honest questions strengthen relationships amazingly. Listen to understand answers, not to reply. Good teachers use questioning effectively. Jesus the very best. He knew unmeant words are used just to sound good in public.
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord ,’ and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46 NIVUK)
I need to work harder on default introductions. Farewells too.
“My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen.” (1 Corinthians 16:24 NIVUK)
55% Goodbye.