I have been “Attempting the Normal” in my “Second Posts” since April 2021.
The new normal means repeatedly hitting brick walls whilst attempting to find a good way forward. The latest brick wall is a whole host of problems relating to this website.
Even when I expect to fail,
it’s easer to look back knowing I tried.
I have found it helpful to reflect for resilience. I’ll search for new ways to try moving forward in 2024. I know that God is the ultimate power over any challenge.
“With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” Psalm 18:29 (NIV UK)
The website issues might get sorted as I hope, but if not, Goodbye.
Website update
Things got very technical. 27 emails, numerous screenshots, and involvement from people at various tiers of the host provider.
It seemed too much to manage. Was I being encouraged/led to move on to spend time on something different. New purpose? Any technical solution seemed unlikely. There were numerous failures on route.
Success after 12 days of trial and error!!! The site will remain live despite being served by different servers with the same company.
Perhaps writing posts is something I should continue after all. Had some good and unexpected feedback from someone new the day it migrated to new server. Is it OK to interpret purpose from events such as these?
Third Set
I have been describing many walls I’ve been hitting in my second posts. I’ve also found some new doors to open. That’s life for all of us.
For me some walls are due to unwelcome post-accident changes. Health has resulted in new labels and the loss of old labels. I must prove myself again. To others and self.
Finding a way to add value remains my biggest barrier. Particularly in a church context. But the game is not over.
I’ll continue with a ‘Third Set‘ of posts. The journey goes on. I hope to find new purpose at a break point before any breaking point. More metaphors to engage with. Walls to scale with God.