Information for Workshop (April 2024)

This workshop draws on the experience and feedback of Christians who have suffered from significant mental ill-health.
EbEs (Experts by experience)
We all have mental health and Christ exemplified excellent approaches to maintain good mental health. He demonstrated support for those with mental ill-health.
Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, all people, including Christians, do not always get their support right. Time, empathy, information, and a listening ear, are better than personal advice and judgment.
Without knowledge it can be all too easy to say things and quote out of context bible verses that add to the burden of others. Ignoring mental ill-health is not Christ like.
The session helps to raise awareness of mental health in a Christian context and promote constructive compassionate conversation. The workshop considers autopilot comment and questions some of the questions those with mental ill-health are often asked.
Discussion will focus on the Christian context and appropriate use of the Bible throughout. Scripture is not always used appropriately, accurately, or supportively. The Bible will be at the heart of potential ways forward to support the diversity of needs in our community.
This workshop complements, but does not replace, excellent Mental Health First Aid courses provided by secular organisations. The presenters have engaged with professional training.
The leaders are very aware that people have different needs and that individual needs cannot be fully met during a one-off group session. This is not the purposes of the workshop.
Those with current difficulties should be reassured by what they hear. Christians helping those with mental ill-health should be able to do so better informed to tailor their positive support for others.