No ‘L’ so NOE (12/22)

‘Noe’ sounds like ‘no e’
or maybe just ‘no’
What can we learn here?
Well let’s have a go
We may lose the ‘L’
We may take the ‘E’
Take Christ from Christmas
‘NO.’ What would that be?
Logical cuts
Some letters are lost
‘Noe’ Meaning, now gone
for what, at what cost?
Now what does ‘NOE’ mean?
Google tells us allot…
‘something’ ‘anything’
or adverb, ‘somewhat’
Pointless and Godless
Reasoned but fraught
‘something’ ‘anything’
now ‘somewhat’ nought
Noe means ‘Noah’
Gender neutral at best
From Hebrew word ‘Noach’
meaning, ‘repose‘ or ‘rest’
The birth of Jesus
called ‘natalis’ unveiled
in Ecclesiastes it’s
a version of ‘nael’
NOEL. Birth of Jesus
‘natalis’ I tell
Old French for Christmas
Middle English ‘nowel’
NOEL. Latin word ‘nasci’
Noel means, ‘to be born’
So be reborn in Christ
Irrespective of scorn
Go back to the start
Add value, not loss
Put letter ‘L’ back
‘NOEL’ BORN, and then Cross
No ‘L’ then ‘no E’
concluding just ‘no’
Christ IS in Christmas
God’s son you should know
Know ‘noach‘ at Christmas
find ‘repose’ at once
But do not forget
God’s gift, our response.
Wordplay by DC
word searches online
Science my background
A poem, or crime?