Facebook Clips from March (04/23)

I easily get easily distracted. 55th birthday. It’s the sum of all the numbers to 1 to 10. (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10) Add them the easy way (1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6 = 4 X10 = 40) Then add the 10 at the end = 50 and the 5 in the middle (of 1 to 9) = 55. I overthink everything.

West Bay, the set for Harbour Lights. Nick Berry ran up this hill at the start of every episode. (Season 1 in 1999). I walked down without holding onto anyone for the first time post accident. Slow but successful.
For those a little younger, Broadchurch (2013-2017) was filmed here too. David Tennant, Olivia Coleman, Andrew Buchan…
Facebook not TV. DJC, JRC & Artie visited. (March 2023)

Got on top of the WW2 ‘Pill Box’ despite post-accident failure and fall. I used to find it easy, but success was a struggle again today. J helped me get down.
“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” (Often attributed to Einstein)
Views are to East (Portland Bill) and West (Hive Café with Golden Cap on the skyline) from what family call the matchbox.

Joanna and Adam’s reception remembered at Symondsbury, via walk up Colmers Hill.

Rich in History, Geography and English Literature. Christian prayer, Henry VIII dissolution, smuggling and wrecking… The views aren’t bad either.
Abbotsbury. From Tithing barn & Abbey remains to St Catherine’s Chapel and along Chesil beach by West Fleet.

Abbotsbury. From Tithing barn & Abbey remains to St Catherine’s Chapel and along Chesil beach by West Fleet.
Rich in History, Geography and English Literature. Christian prayer, Henry VIII dissolution, smuggling and wrecking… The views aren’t bad either.

Good advice may come from bad experience. I might give advice. Not because I am clever, but because I’ve been stupid. Wisdom can be the child of Mistake and Failure.

To help balance I was taught to touch something still and secure. Not to take weight. To give brain additional information about my location and standing.
What holds me upright is integral and secure. Positive contacts aid stability too.

Sci-Fi timetravelers know change disrupts the timeline immesurably. If they go back in time, their actions effect what they return to. I struggle to remember that what I do today can change tomorrow. Immeasurable hope.

What pops into my head doesn’t always have to pop out of my mouth. From good to bad to worse. Pick my friends, pick my nose, pick my friends nose. Picked up humour whilst nosing around Facebook. Best not pop it in your mouth. Lines of pick-eaters are newsworthy.

Clocks go forward March 26. My clocks and watches check with the cloud and adjust accordingly. They end up in the right place. I’d best do the same.

I went to the retirement party of a headteacher last night and met many old colleagues. I’m reminded how much I miss post-accident. I have previously said, I’m better looking through the windscreen than the rear-view mirror. My retiring friend quoted Dr Seuss and put it better. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

SABBATH. Rest is a decisive action. I won’t become a servant of busyness. I’ll pause and resist distraction from life, for life.
SPEED: Society rewards the busy who may exceed expectations. For a while. Sadly, many apply this mentality to everything. Including their driving. Speed limits are not targets to be overachieved.
BALANCE: Those driving below the speed limit, when it is safe to make good progress, may also cause trouble. I love the direct connection to movement, and the power to weight ratio of a motorcycle. Speed can be good if you control it. Rather than let it control you. I was once a professional bike instructor and passed IAM tests for the car and bike.
ACTION: Roadcraft requires lifelong learning. Pacing life, for life, requires ongoing effort too.
We all make mistakes. I’m like Apostle Paul.
“…I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions…”
(Romans 7:17-20 MSG)
We need to remain connected with God.
(c.f. Romans 7:25)
Diamonds don’t shine, they reflect. So should we.