Preparation for Penetcost (April 2024)

The Very Beginning (Apr 9th)
Introduction: Mark 12:28-34
OT: Genesis 1:1-31
NT: John 1:1-18
Video: How God is one and three at the same time.
Handout 1
Spirit, Christ, Kingdom (IN) Where? (April 16)
OT: Numbers 27:17-18 Numbers 11:2, 25
NT: Romans 8:8-11 John 14:16,26 Luke 17:21 Ephesians 3:16-19
Video: Understand how the Holy Spirit Works in the Bible
Handout 2
Aware of The Presence of God’s Spirit (Apr 23)
OT: Exodus 3:1-21
NT: Matthew 3:13-17 1 Corinthians 12:13 Acts 8:15-16 Where? Burning Bush, Pillars, People, Baptism of Jesus, Pentecost.
Video: The Baptism of Jesus.
Handout 3
Pentecost: Gifts and Fruits from/for the Faithful. (Apr 30)
OT: Joel 2:28-32 Isiah 11:1-2
NT: Act 2:1-41 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 Galatians 5:22-26
Ephesians 1:13-14 John 15:1-2
Video: What happened at Pentecost and why it’s important.
Handout 4
Spiritual Alignment (May 7)
OT: Numbers 11:26-29 Numbers 22:34-39
NT: Mark 9:38-41 1 Thessalonians 5:12-23 1 Corinthains 14:1-5
Acts 8:18-21 1 Corinthains 14:12 1 Corinthians 12:22 James 5:16
Video: Who experiences the good life? The poor in Spirit! (Mat 5:3)
Handout 5
Where now? The great co-mission (May 14)
OT: 1 Samual 2: 1-10 Psalm 34:3
NT: Luke 1:46-55 Matthew 28:16-20 Matthew 22:36-40
Matthew 5:16 1 Corinthians 12:3-7 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, 13
Matthew 22:36-40
Handout 6
Pentecost Sunday May 19