Personal and professional thinking. (Aug 2023)

St John’s Ambulance offer a free, “Suicide and empathy” module virtually. This post is based on personal experience as well as training from St John’s Ambulance and Mental Health First Aid England.
Can’t talk about Suicide. Let’s bury it.
“It’s Okay To Talk” (Andy’s Man Club)

There is no evidence that talking makes it more likely to happen. The stigmas of shame, weakness, criminality, and sin are unhelpful. Is it ever discussed in church? Even church leaders have died self-inflicted and intentionally.
Not talking can delay access to life saving support.
We can’t ignore this! Over 700,000 people die this way every year. During one year in the UK there were 6154 successful suicides, 16 per day. 1784 died in road accidents the same year. For every suicide there are many more attempts. It’s the fourth leading cause of death for 15-29 year-olds.
Want to help? Why not? Do we really care?
Stay safe personally. Use ears more than mouth. Inform, don’t judge. Let the sufferer set the pace. Encourage professional help as well as self-help sources. (ALGEE) Learn more about mental health, suicide and empathy. There are many misconceptions.
I’ve been at crisis point and know what it’s like to be viewed through the window of other’s experience. We are all different, complex and need to know love. We empathise better if we talk and connect.

Mental Health First Aid Training (St John Ambulance)
Suicide First Aid Aware (Mental Health First Aid England
It’s Okay to talk (ANDYSMANCLUB)