Taylor Swift at Wembley (15 August 2024)

Just me and
92 thousand people
with Taylor Swift.
Warm up: Paramore.
Surprise addition -Ed Sheeran.
Outstanding showcase of TS music!
Masterful presentation & performance.
Unbelievable ‘magic’ special effects.
Camera clips can’t do it justice.

Made it with help!
Persistence, knowledge, and good fortune was required to get tickets. Fortunately, I know someone who matches this description. Not me! Actually I didn’t know if I’d cope with the challenges of being there. Not sure I’d have persisted. But all went well. Hotel and afternoon shut eye possible. All driving done for me. An outstanding experience full of memories.
At one point 2-3 minutes of screaming adulation of joy caused Taylor to wait. Enjoyment spontaneously overflowed into deafening praise. This was on a huge scale.
After about a minute she clapped a beat in the noise. The audience responded by, stamping her beat, with their feet, around the whole stadium. An unplanned and unorchestrated response. I saw Strangers United at Wembley.

Worship is a natural joyful response of delight. Unexpressed delight is incomplete delight. It’s not about the vanity of the recipient in God’s case. God is awesome. We respond to his awesomeness when we become aware of it. He created all. Including Taylor Swift.
“Round up an orchestra to play for GOD, Add on a hundred-voice choir. Feature trumpets and big trombones, Fill the air with praises to King GOD. Let the sea and its fish give a round of applause, With everything living on earth joining in. Let ocean breakers call out, “Encore!” And mountains harmonize the finale— ”
Psalm 98:5 -8 (The Message)