Judgement. Calling.
Seeing. Suffering. Serving.

Birthday March 2024.
Despite my age, I’m regularly told, “you look really good!” What they mean is, “you don’t look unwell to me.”
That can be a problem with health. Some significant ill-health, including mental ill-health and 72% of UK disabilities, are non-visible.
I’ve seen my physical brain injury on MRI images. Does a visible issue make a health condition; real, acceptable, and more worthy of support?
Is non-visible ill-health any less real? I struggle with both visible and non-visible health issues. I am blessed that I no longer need the hospital wheelchair even if my balance is not what it was.

Judgement often comes from Opinion.
Opinion is an imaginary place of agreement for one person. It’s located somewhere between Complete Ignorance and Minimal Knowledge. There are many places called Opinion. Understanding, wisdom, and empathy visit very few of them. Polluted rivers of advice pour out of Opinion. These need to be treated before use.
I often get a better response to my cycling accident and resulting traumatic brain injury when they know I was wearing a helmet. There is a noticeable change in the tone of discussion. Even with doctors.
Time, empathy and a listening ear are what’s needed.
Here’s my visual aid…

I’ll avoid showing the police photographs of my yellow body shaped outline with blood at the head on the road. Nobody can predict what tragedy might be around the corner. In my case an accident expert reported that I could not have stopped or diverted my route in time to avoid the collision. I was also not riding too fast.

I think I have done more than most to try to be safe on the road. Has success in life made me too self reliant and lose sight of my dependence on God? I can’t control everything life presents. Who can?
Forgiveness. I attempt to forgive myself and not live with regret. Does how we get into difficulty unduly influence how we are treated? How we treat others?
Mental ill-health
Irrespective of blame, I’ve struggled with severe mental ill-health following the traumatic event with life changing consequences. The power of emotion must be experienced to be believed. Emotion overwhelms reason at crisis point.

My life has been turned upside down. I have tried to be positive when calm enough for logic and reason.

My survivor story on the international SAMEYOU website repeatedly includes the phrase…
I must reframe this difficulty as opportunity. I can’t ignore my issues. I can reset my responses.
I have since discovered an even stronger position.
My life has more purpose because of my difficulties. Not just in-spite of them.
I previously wrote a calling/repurpose that was as wrong and as selfish as I could make it. Not Christ like at all. I have since written a list of post-accident amazing events to record and reflect. God-incidences. I have to conclude, I’m being led to new purpose.
Not fully restored. But I have a new story. Restarted and repurposed. Reborn. Again. Another happy birthday to me.
God may be ‘calling’ me to help those in need and suffering. Those with ill-health, disability, and equality issues.
In his first recorded sermon Jesus said he fulfilled a prophesy (Isaiah 61:1-2) and that he was anointed to proclaim good news to the… poor, sorrowful, suffering, disabled, and oppressed. (Luke 4:16-21)
Following the priorities of Jesus seems like good news to me. A calling of care with connection. Not without challenge. Doubts, distractions, disappointments and delays are already in play.
Jesus was taunted by religious leaders. “Physician heal yourself!” (Luke 4:23) “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself!” (Matthew 27:42) Our saviour served others. Not self.
I may have minimal capacity post-accident. But I am reminded by the parable of talents – to use what little I have. (Matthew 25:14-30) Thousands might be well fed from my few contributions when multiplied by God. (Mark 8:14-21)
Like Paul, I am not fully healed despite prayer and petition.
“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (2 Corinthians 12:8-9 NIV)
I have been told by a former colleague that, “I am sure that this is part of the mystery of the gospel that brings good news out of the suffering and destruction of the cross.”
The great commission and call. I’m trying to ‘go’ with Christ as commanded. (Matthew 28:16-20) The word translated as ‘go’ actually relates to travel. To depart. To pursue… (Strong’s G4198)
We are all called to ‘come’ with him to proclaim good news to all.
Below is my contribution to help inform faithful support for mental ill-health. I hope God can use it. I hope he can use me.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” 1 Peter 1:3 (NIV)
Being ready and willing, is the best place to be.