Posts from April 2021 – December 2023

Post-accident, Post-lockdown, positive Post-reflection period.

Easier knowing I tried. (Dec 23)

Does spelling matter? (Dec 23)

Leading the right way.
Christian Leadership (Dec 23)

Is David special? (Nov 23)

Mental Health (MH) discipleship. (Nov 23)

Fear, Hospitality, Passkeys and Law. (Oct 23)

Incredible Illustration for children
Sparing superlatives contextually. (Oct 23)

New You. Old Gone. (Oct 23)

Big picture choices. Deception and Temptation. (19 Sept 23)

Seven Point Checklist. Mental Health & Disability. (Sept 23)

Got your grades? Children & Learning (Sept 23)

Personal and professional thinking. (Aug 23)

Significant theological update (Aug 23)

More than an emoji (July 23)

Do you really want to know? (July 23)

What is the right response (July 23)

Broadband upgrade and Engagement (June 23)

Leadership, behaviour and Pentecost (June 23)

Forbidden and hidden subjects (May 23)

The work of God is paramount. (May 23)

Thanksgiving service for mum and dad. (April 23)

Friends, honourable friends, and forgiveness (April 23)

Emotion v Reason. Academic v Experiential. Enthusiasm v Cognition. (April 23)

Facebook Clips from March (04/23)

Reflection and Feedback from NHS (03/23)

The Important Man (03/23)

I’ve seen the light and responded accordingly. (03/23)

Facebook clips from Febuary. 03/23

Posts and SameYou survivor story
SAMEYOU Survivor Story. Facebook bits. Hearing & Disability. 02/23

Wisdom and Time 01/23

No ‘L’ so NOE 12/22

Truth, Identity, Intelligence, Trust 12/22

In the name of God… 11/22

Does it love you back? 9/22

Seeing is believing? 08/22

Where’s the point in me? 07/22

Let My Kingdom Go. 06/22

The problem is me not you. 05/22

In very loving memory 04/22

No Cristal Ball 03/22

Head, Heart and Hands 03/22

First Aid to Eternal Salvation
Anagrams, Acronyms, Alliteration 02/22

What’s in your head? Ready for 2022? 01/22

Christian argument. Ready for Christmas? 12/21

Fly or fall? Mental health for self. 11/21

Digital sampling of an analogue world. 10/21

Old to New. Sustaining achieved aspirations. 09/21

Challenging church. What does ‘church’ mean? 08/21

Hide or reveal? 07/21

For better or for worse? 07/21

More than a “Cheer up” message. 07/21

Does God change? Do we? Should we? 06/21

Formulaic approximation relationships. Alpha and Omega. 06/21

Equality, Diversity, Disability, Discrimination, u3a. 05/21

Mirror check before manoeuvre. 04/21

Saintliness, Holiness, Faith, Works and Heaven. 04/21
Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.